Studios working with our graduates

Founder Dorogov’s Animation Institute

Alexandre (Sasha) Dorogov
2D Animation Tutor
Alexandre Dorogov is a founder of our school and an author of the unique teaching program and methodology developed due to the long-term American animation experience. Alexandre’s total experience makes more than 30 years.
Our students begin to build their careers before they complete the course and work for large companies such as Disney Animation. The participation in international animation festivals and nominations for prestigious professional competitions help in their work that, in turn, provides them in collecting the necessary portfolio and even receiving a prestigious award.
Our courses
Education is organized in accordance with the international standards of the animated film industry. Our specialists offer animation art courses in the following areas:
Our graduates - our pride
The Animation Institute served as a reliable starting point for them to achieve their goals.

Our student's projects
Our students begin to build their careers even before they have completed the course completely and work in such large companies as Disnay, Pixar, DreamWorks
and others. We help students
find employment in the world’s leading studios.
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